We had an unbelievable opportunity today to view the Great White Shark up close and personal. We started the day with a relaxing drive to Gansbaai to meet up with Great White Shark Tours. We were given a personal introduction to the sharks by a marine biologist who was studying migratory patterns of the shark species, who have been known to swim from Australia to South Africa in just 90 days. After a short boat trip to Shark Alley we saw the most amazing thing many of us have ever seen. It was a thrill rush plus more. The sharks were literally in touching distances and in some cases even bumped our cage. We saw great whites that were just over two meters to another that was over 4 meters. It was awesome!

After we pulled our cage in we went over to look at the seal island that is a temporary home to seals during this time of the year and the primary food to the sharks. There was an incredible amount of seals and it was truly a sight to see. After the shark encounter we went to a loacal family household for an uplifting drumming session. Many of us were tired by the end of the shark dive but after participating in the drumming session we regained energy. The family then served us an amazing meal that was appreciated by everyone. We then headed back to the hotel to get to bed in preperation for a busy Sunday.
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